“My vision is to help you change your life, on your terms, utilising the best I have found in modern behavioural and mind-set change techniques, in the shortest possible time, with the upmost possible care”. Suzanah Platt, Emotional Freedom Coach
I share some of my own development story in the “About Suzanah” page, but this is about YOU! My skill is enabling you to become the best version of yourself and empowering you to live an extraordinary life, rather than being held back by limiting beliefs or past traumas/events.
- Do you feel held back in any area of your life? Career, relationships? Sporting goals? Business Goals?
- Are you dealing with past trauma that still affects you in the present moment?
- Do you dream big, but live small?
- Are you afraid of what others will think, if you live your passion?
- Do you struggle to know what your passion is?
- Do you have habits that prevent you from getting where you want to go?
- Does lack of confidence or self-doubt plague you?
- Do you make decisions based on fear rather than your truth?
- Do you seek a greater understanding of the Universe and how it works?
- Do you want less stress and more peace in your life?
- Do you desire to reinvent your life, in your way, with your core values at the heart of it?
If you feel that some or all of this resonates with you, then why not get in touch for a free initial chat to allow us both to evaluate if we would be a good match for each other. The Client/Coach relationship is a special partnership and it is important that we resonate with each other right from the start. If it’s a match we can then discuss your needs and put together a bespoke one to one coaching plan. As a coach I provide a safe space for you to work through whatever emotional issues arise and gentle support to reach your goals.
Sessions are normally face to face, however they can also be done via Skype wherever you are in the world.
Accredited, Certified EFT Practitioner
“EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behaviour” Dr Bruce Lipton.
The techniques, processes and tools presented within this website are not considered a substitute for consultation with your GP or other healthcare provider. In the event that you have any questions as to whether or not you should use EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Havening or any other techniques mentioned or alluded to on this site, consult your GP or licenced mental health care professional. The information on this website is of a general educational nature and is not suitable for use to diagnose or treat any specific disease or person.
Viewing this site or any links contained herein does not constitute a professional relationship with Suzanah Platt nor does it establish that you are partaking of her professional advice or services. Suzanah Platt assumes no liability or responsibility for the information contained on
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