What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is also sometimes referred to as Tapping Therapy or Meridian Tapping. It was described by its founder Gary Craig as being “similar to acupuncture without the needles”. Instead of using needles, during EFT we “tap” using our fingers on specific pressure points, rather like acupressure. These are located mostly on the head, upper body and fingers. It is a fairly new method of working with clients however it is also gaining much ground worldwide, as it has a tendency to have success where other therapies don’t. Put simply, it is used to liberate painful memories. Whilst we are tapping on the meridian points we bring to mind and verbalise the specific issue we want to work on. Once you vocalise the issue and tap on the points there is a tendency to  begin to be able to have the same thought without the physical anxiety, thus the negative thought can be released.

When we feel stress in our bodies, we are feeling threatened and the amygdala in our brain goes into a fear response,  otherwise known as fight flight freeze (and defensive rage). It releases adrenaline which leads to a range of physical reactions in the body. This is what we recognise as stress or anxiety or even panic. Our body is preparing for danger. Whilst this was useful historically to run away from or fight a tiger, it has a  less useful application in our modern world and leads to overwhelm, distress and disease (dis-ease, lack of ease).

This part of our brain, the  amygdala does not know the difference between a real threat and a perceived one. Accordingly, modern challenges at work, relationships or in any area of our lives can unhelpfully trigger the same response that our forbearers had. Interestingly, by verbalising the event or stressful situation and tapping, we calm this response in the amygdala and find equilibrium and calm. This is what makes EFT so effective. In essence, it is not until you experience the process that you realise and release  it’s power.

What is the purpose of EFT?

EFT is non invasive, the client can learn the protocol themselves and eventually apply it in many given situations at home, work or anywhere it is necessary. EFT seeks to rebalance the body’s energy system or meridians and restore a positive psychological/emotional response where there has been a negative one. EFT seeks to restore peace where there might be panic or pain and rebalance the clients emotions. So as can be seen this technique as well as Matrix Reimprinting is fantastic at helping us create the life we want via the law of attraction.

Where are the tapping points?

These will be fully taught and explained throughout our sessions and you will be familiar with the points and their order relatively quickly. However, most of the points are on the face/head and upper body.

What can EFT be used for?

In short EFT can be used on just about anything. However, a few suggestions of areas that may be considered include, difficult memories or trauma from the past, anxieties or phobias, worry and stress related issues, difficulties with relationships, work, performance issues, anger issues, depression pain and weight/body image issues, to name but a few. If ones types EFT followed by a symptom or emotion into the internet then there is usually a commentary on the subject matter or a suggested script. These scripts may in some cases be useful as a guide, however in order to see real results there is a need to be as specific as possible and really pull up the routes of the problem. It is therefore worth working with a therapist on the bigger issues as it is easy to “get in your own way!”.

How will I feel during my session?

As with most things, the response to EFT is not the same for everyone. Most often comments about the state of the person tend to be positive and may include feeling relaxed, sometimes tired with a tendency to yawn. However, oftentimes, there may be tears during a session due to the release of emotional content. Clients may experience a broad range of physical responses to EFT including but not limited to: feeling emotional, tears, changes to feelings in parts of the body such as temperature change or tightness or tingling. Sometimes Clients may feel light headed or shaky. These are all completely normal however it is important that you understand these responses may occur.

Who can use EFT?

Just about anyone including children and the elderly. Anyone can learn the tapping points and after a few sessions will get to grips with the basics of how to tackle a problem. EFT is painless and safe, therefore it is suitable for most people. However, if you have any concerns whatsoever, you are advised to seek medical advice before undertaking EFT or any other therapy.

What can I expect of my session?

Sessions tend to last around an hour, although your first one may be a little longer. If you are clear on what you would like to work on that is great, however sometimes this will shift naturally as the session progresses and other issues present. This is fine and completely accepted. As to how many sessions you will need, this may depend on a variety of factors and is best discussed at your first session after I have a clearer picture of what you are seeking to achieve and worked with you once to assess your responsiveness to the protocol.

For those who want to know about the scientific research!!!

This technique can strike as rather simplistic in it’s application, which for some can lead to it being sadly dismissed. For those out there who are interested in the research that is available on the matter, as a starting point please see EFT Universe.

See this Brad Yates video for more information on the science and the history of this technique https://youtu.be/9BjKZOV9pzs

Any other points?

It is important to drink lots of water during an EFT session and preferably afterward too. You are advised to bring water with you.

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